Thursday, June 15, 2006

Well I made a decision...

Well, it's taken a lot of soul searching and evaluating but I've decided not to ride in the MS150. I should probably explain why I'm dropping this. I've been conditionally accepted to the Marriott School of Business EMBA program in August. However, due to a misunderstanding on my part and a generous extension of a deadline on their part, I have until July 1, 2006 to complete a statistics course and until July 15, 2006 to complete Econ 110. I'm currently spending every waking hour studying and I haven't done any training at all this week. I'm either working, studying or on the computer (insomnia is very much my friend). The MS150 is a 2 hour drive from my house. My husband will be at boy scout camp with my son, my daughter will be on tour with the Granite Youth Symphony, and I don't have a ride up or back. My husband was very concerned about my attempting to drive 2 hours after a 40 mile bike ride. I can understand his concern. Also, right now, I'm not as far along in the Econ 110 and Stats course as I hoped to be at this point (I’m about one Econ assignment behind my study schedule.) I really cannot justify taking 12 hours on a Saturday without any studying. I would be ever so grateful though if those of you reading this would do me the favor of going to the MS150 national website and give what you can; either as a general donation or just pick a rider in your local area. Next year though, I’m going to be in shape to do at least the 40 mile and working toward the 75 mile ride. Now I don’t want you to think that all the goals are going to the wayside for school though. I’ve been contacting bellydance teachers and will be starting lessons in July (after the 15th), I’ve sent in my reservations for the Frontsight 4th of July celebration, my husband set up my easel in the basement and it’s set up for me to go play with both oils and acrylics to decide which medium I want to paint with, and my third Autocross race is on Fathers’ Day so it’s still on track.


Blogger Onilyn said...

I"m sorry about the race, but I'm glad you'll be racing next year and that you are still working toward your goals.

June 16, 2006 7:49 AM  

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