Sunday, April 16, 2006

A letter on our anniversary

Today, My Love, will be 19 years together. I still remember the night before when my mom tried to convince me that it wasn’t too late to cancel the wedding. I remember her trying to stall me with a shopping trip after my hair appointment and before the ceremony. I remember being all hot and sweaty from having escaped her at the mall and walking in an unseasonable warm April day to Natalie’s apartment where she and Hinckley had convinced me to leave the dress. I know they were right and if I hadn’t left it there, I wouldn’t have had a white dress to wear at the reception. I knew what I was doing was right. I was ready to fight my family and the entire world to be with you. I knew without a doubt that our Father in Heaven approved of our being together.
Now here we are getting ready to start a 20th year together. Our oldest will be 18 this year and leaving the house. Just think only another 9 years and we will be alone again together.
Already, I’m picturing the fun we could have with just the two of us alone. The things we talked about and promised to each other, after the kids were gone. I do hope that you still remember that you promised me a mission. Even if it’s just a local leadership mission or something like Jim and Margie did. I look too at the opportunities to help those around us. You have such great educational abilities. People learn when you teach. I think of all the construction experience you have even though your back won’t do it anymore. What a great tool to share with others. You know how to build with the old tools. Without electricity, and the modern things that may not be available in a third world. But I digress...
I wanted this to be about how much I love you. How much you are still my diamond in the rough. I still see the king that you can be. It’s been 19 years and you still treat me like a queen. Thank you for being you. For helping me grow and letting me be myself even if I am more responsible than I ever planned on being. One of us had to keep their feet on the ground while the other flew. Also, remember you’re FyreRaven’s hero too. She can’t believe that being married so long; I would be going through withdrawal after only three days apart and would be planning how to get a burger in the airport or at least on the way home.


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