Friday, July 14, 2006

Falling asleep in the tub

Tonight, I got home from work at 8:30 after starting at 7:30 this morning. I know that isn’t a really long shift and it’s not been the longest I’ve done (although I’ve decided that I will never do another 48 hour shift for an employer again in my life). When I got home my husband asked me if I wanted pizza for dinner, I took one look at the pepperoni and hot sausage and my budding ulcer told me I was full. I figured I would sit down and stitch before doing homework (units 6, 7, and 8 by Monday Econ fans!!). Instead I ended up cuddling with the hubby for a minute and then he said he had to go do something upstairs. I was deciding whether to work on Gandalf or the TWRR and watching the end of Vegas when I was called upstairs. I headed up thinking that I was going to be using the “Thumper” on the hubby’s back since it’s been hurting him with all the drywall he’s been doing. Instead, he hands me a book out of my bath basket, opens the bathroom door and the tub is full of bubbles and surrounded by candles with soft music playing. I started reading but then I put the book down to relax and I fell asleep in the tub. I love my husband; he always knows just what I need.


Blogger Onilyn said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful husband --

July 16, 2006 10:58 PM  

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