Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wouldn't it be easier to be complacent?

It’s hot outside, it would be so easy to just go home and sit in front of the TV and watch movies and stitch tonight. That’s what I’ve done so many nights for so many years. I’ve been a bump on a couch and I’m tired of being a bump. I want to go out a do things, I want to be someone more than just a knothole in the log of existence. The whole purpose of this experiment was to see if I could go out and have fun for a year. A year of putting aside the “should do’s” of life and enjoying myself. I wanted to spend some time rediscovering who I was and what I liked doing. It’s so easy to get into a rut of go to work, come home, fix dinner, sit in front of the TV, go to bed, do it again. I didn’t feel happy in that rut but, I’m not really feeling excited and happy now.
The number one thing that I really wanted to do this year was go to the Carousel. I’ve had to cancel the trip because my sister is getting married. I was on track for a Porsche autocross trophy and that’s been derailed by extended family obligations too.
It’s beginning to look like going back to school is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. It could end up sucking up all of my time so that if I want any time with my kids, I won’t be able to do things for just me without them along. I guess today, I’m just feeling overwhelmed and in need of some time alone.
Maybe after my first bellydance class tonight...


Blogger Onilyn said...

(((hugs))) Take a deep breath. YOu can do it. Perhaps, reminding your family of your own dreams and desires and goals this year will help easy the familial demands. It may not, but it may give you the voice and chance to say 'no, I've got other plans'.

July 12, 2006 10:08 PM  
Blogger Onilyn said...

Besides, complacency, would just make you miserable.

July 12, 2006 10:09 PM  

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