Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A trip to the dentist

I hate the new dental anesthesia procedures. I feel like someone has hit me in the jaw and I'm popping both Tylenol and Ibuprofen (yes, not a good combination but the Ibuprofen takes down the swelling and the pain killer in the Tylenol means I can actually talk now. The most fun was that he only got 3 minutes of working time before it wore off. He actually did the last 5 seconds of drilling with me screaming since the ligamajet had worn off and he'd already given me the maximum combined dose he felt safe doing. He put down in the notes that Lidocaine seems to still be the best option. He tried the ligamajet on DS too but switched to Lidocaine halfway through the procedure. And as further proof that DS is my spawn, the Lidocaine had worn off on him before we left the dentist office. Dentists hate me and my kids. I've warned DD that having kids will be interesting for her since she has my ability to metabolize drugs and the anesthesiologist’s hate me. Luckily, all my kids have an extremely high pain tolerance.


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