Friday, January 25, 2008

I may be nearing a breaking point...

So there has been a lot of stress this year (have I mentioned the roof is leaking now?) I realized this morning that I need to take some me time and run away or I'll snap.

Interested in the catalyst?

I decided I needed a sugar boost so I made waffles for breakfast. As I'm sitting down to eat, the dog barfs. I sat down to continue eating before the waffles got cold again (because they wouldn't microwave a 3rd time) and the thought going through my mind was "That's fantastic, now I have my gratitude thought for the day. I'm glad he threw up on the tile, it will be easier to clean than the carpet." Then it hit me that it's a sad day when my gratitude thought is where the beagle threw up.

It's a good thing one of my Christmas presents is classes at Needleplay - I'm going to hide there for 3 hours tomorrow and not think about anything but the way the fiber goes into the fabric.


Blogger Unknown said...

I know how you feel. Some days the closest I can get to compassion is "I'm sorry you're such a butt hole." It amounts to the same thing.


January 29, 2008 11:14 AM  

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